
Cyprus: The Gradual Easing of Covid-19 Lockdown Measures

2 minutes

On 29 April 2020, the president of the Republic, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, addressed the public and announced the long-awaited gradual easing of the current ‘Covid-19 lockdown’ measures. He stressed the importance of collaborating responsibly towards a cautious lightening of the recent restrictive measures both in favor of the public’s well-being as well as the island’s economy at large.

Further to expert epidemiologists’ recommendations, the government has determined the easing of measures by lifting restrictions in two steady phases.

Phase 1

As of 4 May 2020:

  1. The manufacturing sector and all related businesses in support of this sector may resume their operations.
  2. Public services and authorities shall be fully operational at working schedules determined by their respective ministries.
  3. District courts shall re-convene and operate normally in line with instructions from the Supreme Court.
  4. All businesses in retail trade, except commercial centers and big department stores such as malls, may re-open.
  5. Permitted movements of individuals within a day are increased to three whereas curfew remains between 22:00 p.m. to 06:00 a.m.

Phase 2

As of 21 May 2020:

  1. All restrictions on personal liberties will be lifted and free movement will be allowed.
  2. Visit to parks, open space playgrounds, squares, marinas etc. will be permitted, provided no more than 10 persons are gathered at any time.
  3. Catering business will resume operation only in outdoor facilities and in strict adherence to the current hygiene protocols.

As of 1 June 2020:

  1. Ports will resume full operation, excluding the disembarkation of passengers from cruise ships.
  2. Public libraries, museums, archaeological, and historical sites will re-open.

Each of the above phases shall be closely monitored by epidemiologic indicators to avoid backtracking and ensure the smooth deconfinement of the public and the re-ignition of economic activity.

These gradual phases as well as the economic support and relief provided by the state to businesses and vulnerable groups, offer comfort and confidence that the Cyprus economy shall be able to bounce back as prosperous as it was pre-Covid 19. 


* This publication has been prepared as a general guide and for information purposes only. It does not purport to be comprehensive or to render legal advice.